Beefy Lorelei

By beefylorelei


This is the back end of Ella.

I seem to go through phases of seeing a lot of this view and then not. As you can see by the pic, you've prob guessed which phase I'm in just now.

Ignition problems this week. Sorted but still a wee mystery problem somewhere that may raise its head at any time. New cap and condenser ordered though. A cheap enough fix.
Mike, my next door neighbour came over and helped out. Between the two if us we swore and hummed and heeyed till we decided what it was. Then Ella fired up! Then she didn't which is worse than doing nothing. All sorted for now though. Just as well they are simple beasties. A bit like myself. No plugging into laptops here, which is just fine. I like analogue things.

I'm frozen though. Was nice when the sun was out but got pretty chilly after it went.

So away for bath, fire on and a wee dram.

Wonder what will happen next. Hope I can fix it.

Thanks for looking

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