White Gourd

I'd intended to take a photo of the pond this afternoon, but I left it too late. The cloudy weather encouraged the flowers to fold up their petals. So I took some photos of this white gourd instead.

I think it's  magnificent, but I wonder if it's edible. I bought a job lot at Oakley Grange Farm last week with still life in mind, only to find that I probably needed more, and in a wider range of sizes. Expect more gourds in days to come.

My very first time in a gym this morning, with all those contraptions you see as you walk past. I have to admit that I enjoyed it. My big stumbling block was the bike. There's evidently still inflammation in the knee because I couldn't turn the pedals all the way round, and when my personal trainer (yes, I get a personal trainer) tried to force the issue, my knee objected violently. But it recovered very quickly, so the problem can't be too bad. Looking forward to next week.

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