Freaky Eyes

I fully intended to get a flower for Flower Friday when I went out into the garden with my camera this afternoon, but then I saw this tiny dark speck on the Shasta Daisy and moved in close with the macro lens and extension tube to see what it was.  When I saw those eyes, I was just amazed. I don't know what it is so I am hoping someone will have a name. This is an extreme, crop, which has compromised the image a bit, but I wanted to show the eyes.  

Anyway, I just had to blip it. Sorry Anni,  all I got were the center disk florets

Addendum:  This critter has been identified by Morgan Jackson, @BioInFocus on Twitter as follows:  orthonevra nitida (Flower Fly), a Syrphidae.  See Bug Guide 

And, of course, our very own Dbifulco knew what it was too.  Thanks Deb!

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