Flower Friday : : Mystery Flower

...possibly Glory of the Snow. Although snow doesn’t ever figure into the equation around here, Meg, who is the Queen of Apps used her iNaturalist app to identify this pretty blue flower which seems to be the only flower the ground squirrels don’t like. They have decimated everything else we planted in the new pots and moved their base of operations to the pots outside our bedroom door where they dug a hole, pulled out a whole plant (which is nowhere to be found) and threw dirt all over the patio. As Son Tim would say, “bastards!”

OilMan and Rick have been occupied for many more hours than they ever intended helping Dana fix a leak in her garden. They rode to the rescue when Dana said a leak was filling a big bucket in 24 hours. When Dana consulted Jim who is out of town, his solution was, “Get a bigger bucket”. In the course of fixing one leak another one sprung. Many trips to the hardware store later it once again appears to be fixed but waiting for the glue to dry they haven’t turned the water on again.

Meanwhile, Meg and I went to a Pilates class, had coffee at Acre, bought new shoes and had pedicures.

I think Jim may have had the right idea.

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