The Team

PhD Team

It was a happy occasion. Meg was celebrating her 35th wedding anniversary and H was celebrating his 70th birthday. So, a chance to meet up with old friends in a lovely cricket club and the opportunity to have a team photo. This is a PhD team, they tend to last for life in some instances; although 3 to 4 years should be the average. Topics range from knowledge creation and seeking to diffusion of innovation theories. This is what we do :) The students are lovely and it makes you realise why you do this job. They come from all over the world and sometimes you even experience them having children and seeing them grow up (students and the children!).

We played with Han's camera - it was a lot better than mine. He had a great tip for diffusing the flash - put a piece of tissue paper over it. This produces a much softer image and it really works.

Home in a rush as M was out with friends going to 'Sing a'long Grease'. I could have 'blipped' that picture as well - it is not often you get to take a picture of ladies dressed up as Olivia Newton John !!

An abundance of picture riches today. However I thought the team photo was the most historic, and marked a significant point in time.

Back to 'bashing' the theories tomorrow !!

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