
By TBay

The drought.

We need RAIN!

The dry conditions are beginning to be a bit of a worry now. There is little grass about and farmers are now having to feed fodder that should be for the winter months. Normally there should be second if not third cuts of grass for silage but as every dry day passes that is more of a distant hope for some. My poor garden is also beginning to suffer. The roses are not producing the large blooms they should and those they have produced are stunted with very curled petals as in the picture. Mr Tbay has not had to cut the grass for weeks either. Strange times and very reminiscent of the drought in 1976. I do so hope that there may be some rain in the next week or so but it does look pretty dry still.

Farming - Two on compost hauling. Rusty still on gardening duties.

I had another day at the accounts. Still a few more days of that to come.

The Tbay Jnrs are enjoying a few days in Dartmouth. At least they will have good weather! Mrs V is preparing for her fishing trip to Braelangwell this weekend. Water levels up there are still very low and the water temperature is very high which is not good either. I’m not too sure much fishing will be available.

A strange situation for this country wanting rain!

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