Life. Through my lens.


Garlic Nonion.

Once my daughter was trying to point out a clove of garlic to me and she wanted to call it an onion. However she had a slip of speech and put an "n" in front of it and ended up calling it a nonion! Well I just about fell of the back of my chair laughing. So now, she has pushed two garlic bulbs into a pot outside just to see what happens. I must admit, I don't know what it's going to do. Is it going to have a flower? Does it have seeds? Or does the bulb just multiply or something? Rather than do the usual and just google it, i'm thinking I might just resist the temptation to know right now and just see what happens. Find out the old fashioned way. So for now, my daughter and I are calling it the Garlic Nonion Experiment!!

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