Fun Fun Fun.......

And it was…Out we went this morning with 'mydaytoday2018' with Frida and Stevie. 
I have to bark that Frida sounds like Frida the Vizsla but Stevie does not sound like a Golden Retriever at all and needed a good barking a couple of times to keep him in line. Right!
It was a great outing…Oh…Wait…The pic is the Clutha River in the area we all went Blatting in and all that luvely fog stuff had gone by the time we assembled for the initial “Swing Bridge Dash” which I won by a mile ‘Cos I figured out where we were going before the others did. 
It’s the Irish thing….

Extra is “Treat Time”  I am simply not going to bark about the performance while The Boss was trying to get a “Team Photo” without the treat focus…. 

Pawscript… In other news The Boss had his head Errr... Foot examined today and tomoro he has to walk for at least an hour and a half or maybe even 2 to test the diagnosis…Brilliant medical decision I thought.


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