
The fourth of July.

Up and out early and in George's round the corner for the full diner breakfast experience by 7.30. Eggs, bacon, home fries, coffee, all that.

After a quick visit to nearby Trinity Church to see the graves of Alexander Hamilton and the Schuyler sisters it was a brisk walk over to Battery Park for the Liberty Island ferry. Tourist stuff interspersed with refreshments and air-con breaks! All highly enjoyable but a few hours of The Statue Of Liberty and Ellis Island in the heat was also highly exhausting so it was back to the hotel in the afternoon for a little siesta for the rest of the family whilst I stuck a film in the old Nikon SLR I've brought with me and went for a walk round the neighbourhood.

After we were all rested up, it was time for the subway up to Greenwich Village for some sightseeing and refreshments from The Big Gay Ice Cream Shop (a twist with sprinkles since you ask...) before a walk on The Highline (fabulous!) and excellent pizza slices in Chelsea  Markets.

The Fourth Of July

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