Its the Way It Is

By Jeano

A Tourist

in my hometown.

Rachel, Margaret and I met outside the National Maritime Museum in Dun Laoghaire this morning for the guided tour at 11am. It lasted an hour and the tour guide took us through the history of Irish Maritime life. It was very enjoyable. First extra shows the Baily Optic and I am giving it a sci-fi effect.

We had lunch at Cavistons in Glasthule then onto Mitchells for coffee.

Next stop was the James Joyce Martello Tower in Sandycove where the guide talked us through the life of James Joyce and Oliver St John Gogarty and the various goings on in the tower. This was a really funny tour as the guide was a scholar and a wit. The tour had an assortment of British Academics on it, and there was a lot of banter. The second extra is a pano from the tower roof taking in Dublin Bay and the 40 foot bathing area to the right.

Then onto the Oratory on Library Road. Homage to the celtic art revival and an amazing story about the daughter of famous Irish artist Thomas Lynch called Concepta who decorated the oratory with extraordinary art. Anyone who visits Dun Laoghaire, please, please take an hour out and see this place. The tour guide was Rose O’Connor and she had a passion for the art. My blip today is the artwork above entrance door painted in ordinary household paint and beautifully preserved.

The 3 of us had a great day in our own back yard. I love my back yard.

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