Al...A Willing Model

Al (Naturelover's husband) has never met a camera that he didn't like. A lot of the time he photo-bombs, but...most of the time...if you ask him to pose or do something...he does it.

As a photographer/model team...we started off innocently enough. In the upper left, he is posing next to his brother Bill's winter painting. Bill was chosen to be included in the art show entitled Michigan Scapes. He is a fine artist.

Then, the rule-breaking started. Shelley (Naturelover) was the first to notice the NO CAMERAS sign. Oops. But, that didn't deter Al. He wanted his picture in front of the sign. Such a rebel...such a rule-breaker.

I thought the rule-breaking was over after hitting the exit, but Al was eye-balling the giant 20 foot tall red metal man. Al said..."I think I could climb that."  Before I could yell..."DON'T",  Al was already up into the giant man's crotch.

I thought for sure that the receptionist at the front desk would be coming out...but, before she could...Shelley was ordering him down.

He listened.

P.S. Everything is true except the statue part. That is a bad photo-shop job. Nice to see Lisa take a couple hours off from work...and to spend some time with old friends.

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