Ice Cool.

Having trouble sleeping in this heat ? Well here is the answer. Marmite ice cubes. Find your hot water bottles,usually under the stairs cuby hole, fill them with ready made Marmite ice cubes. Hey presto you have ice water  bottle to take to bed. Because the Marmite is full of Vitamin B, the cubes will not melt for several hours. You will be the envy of anybody(s) else in your bed. Enjoy a cool and aromatic nights sleep.
Now the school holidays are here, your children can have hours of fun making up the Marmite ice cubes for the freezer. For a laugh put one in Grandads evening gin and tonic, or several in Grandma`s slippers. What fun to be had.
NB. Only use Marmite for this. Those foreign yeast extract thingees are  of no use I`m afraid.  Good luck to all until it rains.

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