Freshly fallen

After days of feeling sorry for my snowless condition, feeling hard done by because other blippers are reveling in crisp, white wintry weather when all there's been here was a slight overnight flurry of whiteness. All that changed around 12.30, when all of a sudden these big fluffy flakes came tumbling down. Naturally I grabbed the camera and pointed it at the steadily accumulating stuff. At one stage I even stood in the middle of the road to get an overall view and a general sense of the changed streetscape. When push came to shove, this early shot of a freshly-fallen clump on one of the plants in the front garden came up trumps.

It all didn't last, of course. It had all melted within an hour, to return again a few hours later, but once again quickly clearing. I've no idea what it's doing out there right now, or whether there's much of a chill which might turn the wet streets icy. Meanwhile, it's good to stay warm and snug and take a leaf out of BB's book by listening to the radio (Terence Rattigan's The Deep Blue Sea -- excellent).

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