Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Pigeons, petunias and honeysuckle.

I got up earlier than usual to do the watering before the humidity descended.
By 8am I had filled three green watering cans and quenched my little garden. Watering them alternate days has not diminished their beauty and some gardeners think doing this can help bedding plants establish stronger roots.
The blip is about the local scene.
Two curious pigeons were peering at me and a dog walker from on top of a street light. I wonder what they think and how we looked to them.
I saw the tail of a tabby cat move, as she found a cool place right underneath a shrub in someone's front garden.
The petunias in the Church garden are all coping well, but I was puzzled and slightly amused by the insect nibble pattern in the white petunia.
I have ordered some Aloe Vera gel from the Holland and Barrett online sale.
It is a cooling moisturiser in this dry weather. There was a very good piece in the Daily Mail yesterday about adapting to the warm spell of weather, titled How to keep cool around the clock.
Here are five tips.
Stick your sheets in the fridge.
Take a lukewarm shower.
Swap coffee for herbal tea, eg peppermint or camomile.
Put moisturisers in the fridge and apply them cold.
Fill a paddling pool for your pets to enjoy.

Have a lovely day blip friends.

Words of Wisdom from Holy Shift by Robert Holden.
"God's blessings shine upon me
from within my heart,
where He abides.
I need but turn to Him,
and every sorrow melts away,
as I accept His boundless 
Love for me."

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