
By minniemouse1966

Amor Lego

Today my eldest dsughter M.went to Himley Hall for lunch after going to the bank M.had a jacket potato with cheese and I had sliced egg and mayo sandwiches. After lunch we went for a walk around the park looking for places that I could use to take pictures for a photoshoot of twins from my nursery group that I am planning to do it was really warm. We then went back into the hall to the 'Amor Lego' exhibition most of the exhibits were of scenes from Star Wars hence the photo. Then it was back home for a quick shower to freshen up before cooking tea for my youngest daughter H.and her partner A.they brought their dog Thunder he was very quiet today which is unusual for him must be the heat. Just time to write up my blip and now its time to climb the wooden hills to Bedfordshire hope I'm able to sleep because of the heat.

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