Japanese Anemone

Went to a local theatre last night on a very warm evening for an Evening At The Musicals.
Found the theatre cooler than expected so it was a pleasant evening watching a friend’s daughter and a host of other talented young people.
Gave us a chance to experience a flavour of Hamilton, Newsies and Everones Talking About Jamie.
Now going to book to see a couple of them in London.
When we came out there had been some rain, couldn’t tell how much but the grass is looking a bit greener today.
Rebecca has got tickets for me to take my three granddaughters to see Mama Mia 2 in Leeds this afternoon .
They are getting on the train the stop before me, first time we have done this, another sign they are growing up fast.
After the cinema we are meeting their mum after she finishes work.
So I’ll be singing a lot more than usual this evening, poor Mr P.
A quick shot of the back of this bloom in the sunlight.
I did take the topside first as there were two hover flies enjoying its nectar, but l liked this underside better.
As l write this l can hear thunder rumbling.
Thanks Anni for Flower Friday.

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