Garry Ure

By garryure


What I thought was the usual Monday morning fug deteriorated steadily as the day worn on. By the end of the afternoon I was feeling the all too familiar symptoms of impending tonsillitis. Awesome.

I wish the Doc would just agree to take them out as the feeling is depressing but the last time (a mere couple of months ago) she said that I'd need to have a good few more times in the next 12 months. Well I'll try and convince her again tomorrow if it comes to it.

I decide to stock up on essential supplies on the way home in the vain attempt of stopping it becoming full blown. Tomorrow morning can now go one of two ways; either the various pills and sprays do their job and it goes away or I wake up with two glass covered golf balls sitting in the back of my mouth.

Either way I've probably got a restless night of alternating hot and cold sweats and a general dazed and confused feeling. In fact on the way home I was already getting that floaty feeling of not being entirely with it. It made me feel slightly uneasy when I heard someone seemingly piping me down the home stretch. So either someone was practicing outside or I have some seriously patriotic hallucinations.

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