Hendrix saves the day, the Blip day that is.

I hadn't taken any photographs today, still busy gardening, putting up bunting on the 6x3m gazebo thingy, tidying, shopping, Blip just got overlooked until early evening. I took a photo of some flowers and another of the gazebo, and then Daniel, Joanne and Hendrix turned up.
How could I not blip that smiley face.

What's the gazebo for? glad you asked.
On Sunday it will be 10 years since Daniel and Joanne were married and they are having a party to celebrate. It's at our house as we have more space but they'd popped around to put stuff in our fridge and freezer ready for the BBQ.
Sods law has come into force and as a BBQ is planned the forecast for Sunday is heavy rain and high winds. 
We are British and we WILL BBQ no matter what the weather.

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