Fussy cutting!!

A sewing day working on a block which fits 4 Cleopatras’ fans into one 12.5 ins block . Each fan has 20 pieces, so 80 pieces in total!! A nightmare.......I must be mad!!

In 5 hours I managed to cut out 56 pieces, the remainder when I got home. Only one set needed to be fussy cut as shown in the blip.

Interesting evening. R came over after work with Lottie and Pippa. A thunder storm started as they arrived and poor Pippa was terrified. We were delighted to see some proper rain and even better pleased to have a second storm and more rain later. But not enough to get us out of trouble.

R cooked dinner for us and we shared a bottle of Eikendal Sauvignon Blanc, a South African wine, a present bought for us in France. Very nice.....high praise from someone who only likes New Zealand S B’s .

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