Lunar eclipse at Marsum

Well, it just had to be done, right? After all, lunar eclipses like today's event don't come around very often. All day long I had been looking at possible locations for capturing the lunar eclipse, when Ton contacted me. I didn't even know he had returned home from his holiday. Just as well, because he knew of a good place to capture the event: the Mauritius church in Marsum, built in the 12th Century.

We arrived in Marsum around half past nine, the time that the moon would rise above the horizon. As this was also the time of sunset, we had to wait for quite a while before we could actually distinguish the moon in the sky. At that time, the eclipse was already total. I managed to keep my tripod at the same spot for about an hour, kept the composition the same so I could create a combined image with the moon in different positions in the sky. As a bonus, I also added the planet Mars.

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