Yet again, the temperature didn't drop last night to a level where sleep came easily, even with the windows wide. So after work, Keith appeared and we went to visit Jeanie. She was a bit grumpy indoors but I whisked her out into the garden and the veggie patch and her mood lifted within a couple of minutes. It was very hot but we kept positioning her in any available shade, and then K and I got on with watering and weeding. I am trying to clear the gravel paths around the raised veggie beds where weeds big and small have started to flourish as they get the run off  water. I encouraged Jeanie to point out which weeds I should pull up. After about half an hour in the bright sun I was more than ready for a cuppa and slice of cake, (this week a very nice fruit tea loaf). We sat under a gazebo and soon the rain began, but we stayed outside and enjoyed the cooling air and fresh smell that came with our first proper rain for weeks. We left Jeanie looking at a dog book, I told her we were just going back out into the garden to do a bit more, and she was happy with that. She struggles with goodbye.
When Selena got back from work<Harry ordered a take away from East India, who do a mix of  favourite cuisines. So we had coconut rice, spicy paneer, tempura veg, and some veg curry. A lovely mixture, and enough  left for lunch tomorrow too.

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