Flight path to another world

Gors Fawr is a minimalist version of a stone circle: fourteen in a ring but none more than 2 feet high with the result that it's hard to spot among the gorse bushes and grazing sheep. 
A little way to the northeast  are two taller stones standing up 5 and 6 feet  They align with the rising sun at summer solstice and may have formed part of an avenue. This tallest one is known as the Dreaming Stone and is said to have magnetic properties.

Although we'll never know what these ancient monuments meant to the folk who created them, it doesn't follow that they have lost their significance. The setting of this circle, in a saucer of moorland below the Preseli mountain ridge, is numinous at all seasons and in all weathers. People of different beliefs and persuasions come up here to commune.  Some leave tokens perhaps in return for what they find. Tucked beneath this standing stone I spotted a small figure of a bird fashioned from wood, wings outstretched just like the buzzards and red kites that haunt this lonely moor like genii loci, spirits of the place. Someone's imagination took flight here. I left the bird in its niche.

Extras: the bird and the circle

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