Oldgroaners Phone&Compact

By Oldgroaner

It's my Beloved Wife's 75th Birthday Today!

My eldest Daughter sent a very nice card, my youngest Daughter, who like her Father is mad as a box of Frogs, likes to do her own thing and I have never known any cards that she has ever created that would go through a letterbox.
This one stands 15 inches high and is 10 inches square, so she brought it in a cardboard box she had made.
"The Carousel will revolve Dad" she stated, "But I was in a bit of a rush and hadn't time to motorise it, I had indended it to have a lamp to provide heat to turn it via a turbine cut from a plastic sheet"
Last weekend I was looking at the slogan on a Tee shirt in a shop in Whitby,
"If you think I'm mad, you should meet my Family!"
Must get one.
This creation will be with us for years like all the other ones she has made and we can't bring ourselves to part with!

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