Best Child's Pony

Today's the day . . . . . . . . . . . . to show

Important day today - it being the 52nd Agricultural Show in the little village of Trap, near Llandeilo.

Readers of this journal will know that it has become an annual pilgrimage for us to attend - but this year, it was extra special because we were accompanied by Ron and Margaret.  Trap was where Will went to primary school and a lot of those involved in the organisation of the show are friends from those days.

Unfortunately, this year, the weather did its best to disrupt proceedings with rumbles of thunder and lightning followed by very heavy downpours (see extra) which forced everything to be temporarily abandoned while everyone rushed for cover.  But the people round here are made of strong stuff and it would take more than a heavy shower to thwart them.

So the competitions carried on and the judges judged - and someone was delighted with the result . . . . . .     

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