
By Transitoire


Spent the morning asleep, not going to lie. I was absolutely exhausted from the 10 hour journeying yesterday and really needed to have some quality sleep! Isn't it strange how sitting down on moving vehicles that you are not controlling for the majority of a day makes you so tired?!

Forgot just how expensive food is in France, and had to spend over 40 euros just stocking up on things I needed. Decided that after leaving a loaf of bread in the cupboard for the two weeks away then discovering that it was not even stale let alone mouldy that I couldn't face eating any more of Frosties for breakfast it is! Is that better or worse?

Had a long awaited meeting in the evening with Laura and Claire, but it did feel a little empty without Kendra or Becky...but will hopefully be seeing them both soon! Had a little meal and a significantly larger amount of wine and we caught up on the two weeks that we had missed. Everyone is pretty tired though as the illness that I caught in England seems to have made the rounds in France too...but was absolutely lovely to see the two of them! Ended up staying rather a lot later than I originally planned (always the case!), but time really does fly with good people, good conversation and less distracting television. French television really is an experience...they do love their game shows, and that is about all that is on French television. Bar over-dubbed English and American series and Dancing with the Stars. I am a bit of a fan of Tout est permis le Vendredi though!

So from my experience of speaking French so far I have found the verbs that I use most frequently are pouvoir, devoir, and once you can conjugate them, you really don't have to worry about knowing any other verbs on the spur of the moment (as they all then use the infinitive of the verb you really want after them!). Really helpful when you're feeling a bit stressed or like you don't know even the most simple of French sentences. So:-

Je peux
Je pourrai
Je pouvais
J'ai pu
Je puisse
Je pourrais

Je dois
Je devrai
Je devais
J'ai du
Je doive
Je devrais

Je veux
Je voudrai
Je voulais
J'ai voulu
Je veuille
Je voudrais

I also always seem to be just coming from doing something else, so Je viens is also really helpful!

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