Annie and Chris

By AnnieAndChris


A morning drive to London and back for Annie, otherwise we were both at work as normal. Bit of a damp and miserable day really, particularly after the relatively warm weather yesterday.

Running club for me (Chris), tonight it was 'tail end charlie'. We ran in groups of ten, the back runner of the group having to sprint to the front before shouting 'next' to trigger the new tail ender to make the same sprint. Sounds easy enough but after a few 'laps', it was quite a tough one. At least it wasn't raining!

I (Annie) worked late to try and conquer my mountainous to-do list. Work and school governorship are really busy at the moment so I will be quieter on blip than normal. Sorry...

Today's blip is another one of those things in the house that are great for a blip and run! It looks a little like a pumpkin?

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