Tonto McDuff

By TontoMcDuff

Shopping Day

Back in the old days, Friday was shopping day in our household. On her way home from work mum would stay on the bus for another couple of stops and head into the local Co-op. to get the messages.

When she got there she would phone the house and it was then someone's duty to walk along and meet her at the checkout with the dreaded shopping trolley. As dad was normally making the tea (dinner), it would end up a bit of a scrap between my sister and me as to who had to make the walk of shame.

Lugging the empty trolley there and the full one back, you just prayed that no-one saw you.

These things seem to be getting more popular again. Or have they never really went away?


A few of today's possibles:

Haymarket Diversion

Jimmy Porkbellies

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