Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

I don't want this feeling to go away

Red lips c/o popsicle after wasp sting.

He was riding around on his new bike from nurse Jenn at home, all excited with the stickers (the bike Jenn brought back to life) and I saw him reaching out and then the delayed reaction after the sting. Holding the popsicle was a good way of cooling the site hey.

Some utterly tender moments with Callum today as he was off school for Veteran's Day whilst Reuben's was still open. Callum says emphatically
"I want Reuben to stay at home."
"Why?" Reuben replies.
"Because I love you".
"You love me?"

Callum steps off the seat by the loo and hugs Reu still sitting.

Later after these shots in the garden with the help from Jenn, Callum snuggles into me, we replay the Curious George CD for the 20th time (and I've since played it another 20 times tonight quick culling 1000s of images, then for a break for a quick edit of this fun series) and I feel that change between a body supported by itself and one that has entirely succumbed to the land of nod.

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