Wilde Weißeritz

Getting mad from the forced rest (J. has shingled and need to rest) we made a pleasant walk to the Wilde Weißeritz. 
It marks the frontier between Germany and the Czech Republic.
Omo enjoyed playing in the water very much (until he stumbled over a rock and was limping the next quarter. Everything is okay now again. Phew!)
Can you imagine, that this little creek destroyed parts of Dresden in 2002 and in 2013? Have a look here, If you like. 
Water has so much power!
Later in the afternoon, we made a short trip though the Czech Republic until Treplice. We only had very little time, because J. had to visit the doctor again. But when we finally arrived there, we learned, that the internet was lying and the doctor's office was closed on Mondays.
So we have to return there tomorrow morning (another half hour to drive)
At least we could refill our fridge :-)
In the extra you can see a selfie from me and my holiday company :-)

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