Hover fly...

...the only thing "tiny" I found while out today. It's like when you go shopping, but you aren't looking for anything specific, so you see all kinds of things you like. But if you're buying for a special occasion, you don't find a single appropriate thing. Today I was looking for tiny, and was stumped until I saw this guy. Never thought I'd be grateful to a FLY!!  
I had a hilarious 20 min. "text exchange" this morning with my 9 y.o. twin granddaughters, who are on vacation in Wyoming with their parents! Ella started sending me pictures she'd taken with her mom's IPhone, to see if I thought she'd done a good job. Then Addy would be on, putting in HER opinion, and soon I was getting so many gifs of kittens and frogs & hearing about what they'd done and were going to do that it made my head spin! I'd answer one, and it would already be the other one on the other end. They're so FAST on the keyboard, and would keep asking me if I was still there....I responded that I text REALLY SLOWLY, so you need to give me more time to answer, to which one of them texted: "Oh grandma, you're so funny"! I tried to get off after the first 5 minutes because lunch was ready, but when I said I was leaving I got a text that said "pls. grandma--don't leave us! We miss u", along with about 3 rows of hearts.  Well, what self respecting grandmother could resist that, so I continued texting.....for another 15 minutes! I think I know every move they've made since they left on vacation! Haha!  I just love the heck out of all three of my granddaughters!!  :)))
Huge thanks to Nickimags888 for hosting TinyTuesday!

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