
By TusCat

Meet Rocky!

After yesterday’s stretch, it was time for another stretch! :-)

I went on two separate walks today. The first one from Alston to Blagill and back (approximately 3 miles, though I think I must have walked for about 4 or more, as I missed a turning and then took a longer detour to avoid a herd of cows). Before leaving, a lady who works here at the hotel, told me I would pass near her field with her two horses, Rocky, featured in the main picture, and Pigsy, a pony! Apparently they are quite friendly and love mints and I was given a packet for them to share. I was also told that Pigsy is a bit naughty and might nip. Rocky, on the contrary, is a dear.
Armed with mints and courage, I approached the field and, needless to say, the two of them, who were at the other end of the enclosure, galloped towards me. Believe it or not, it was Pigsy who came near the fence first and very gently, without nipping, took his first mint and crunched away! After his second one, Rocky understood I was loaded with goodies and so he came to the fence too. He’s got the most beautiful blue eyes ever! They loved their mints and crunched away! As you can see, Rocky rewarded me with a cheeky grin! :-)

The other walk was from Alston to Bleagate, through Nattrass Gill. This walk is about 4 miles, pretty straightforward with no cows to avoid ;-) and goes along a bit of the Pennine Way.

The landscapes are beautiful and there are many sheep grazing. As you might have understood, I love sheep and so I felt like I was in Paradise today! :-)

The extras are my first peacock butterfly of this summer and another solitary tree.

So happy to be here! :-)

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