Carolina's journal

By Carolina

Wild Wednesday

Not sure if this even qualifies for Wild Wednesday but here it is!  It is actually a wild flower but could also qualify as a weed.  Anyways I had some hard choices since I liked quite a few of the shots this evening.  I spent quite a few hours ripping out the yellow poppies that had gone WILD and every thing else that wasn't a strawberry plant or a gladiola .   I may plant more flowers in there next year if the strawberries don't do anything.  If I had my way I would just turn over all the grass and plant flowers.
        Not sure what the tag is for WW -   and I could be totally wrong that there even is a WW !!!!    thanks for the recent stars and favs and I appreciate it so much.   Such a blessing to travel this road with all of you!  I did put one in the extra.  let me know what you think.

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