Second Bloom

My Double Delight rose bush seems to have suddenly come alive with flowers. Since this is my absolutely favorite rose, I am delighted. I bought one of the rose into my kitchen and the fragrance is delightful!

I took my granddaughter to the doctor (Oh yes, she is not mad at me any more)  Oh, that girl is a challenge but she needs one person to love and accept her....who better than a grandmother? And tonight I have my Great Grand overnight. She is good....I am so impressed with her ability to go to sleep without a fuss or bottle.....just a story & a rock before laying her down in her crib with her blanket......and a quiet "good night".  (Oh yes, I have a crib set up in my spare room.) A neighbor gave it to me.....she put it on the "Next Door" site as free. I love that sight because everyone is really close by.....we can share and help one another so easily. I wonder how many areas have neighborhood groups like this......I have no idea how it works, who pays for it, or what....I just heard of it when a neighbor invited me to sign up. 

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