New experiences

A follow up session with the trainer this morning, to see how Amber had got on at home and to introduce some new animals and settings.

We took her to the local horse rescue centre a couple of weeks back and she wasn’t on her best behaviour :0(
Today with P she behaved impeccably, she sees him as Boss and does as she is told. Most of the time he doesn’t have to tell’s almost like telepathy!!!

I met this sweetie (in extras) who was keen to be pals with me. Lovers of rabbits, there are many on Blip, can look and read on, as it is a happy tale.

P has a large area with rabbits, which he uses to train the dogs not to chase or touch. Working dogs have to do as they are told and not chase any animals. He did a session with Amber and only once at the beginning did she attempt to chase, but was well restrained on her lead. By the end she looked, but sat and waited as instructed!!

She is now asleep by my feet, dreaming of fun things!! The tail is doing intermittent wags and the feet are running.......:0)

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