... with one eye open.

By Chamaeleo

NHM Ice Rink HDR

I thought I'd get my first Christmas Tree blip in early... "First?"

This is the Ice Rink on the East Lawn of the Natural History Museum. This is the 8th year of winter skating at the NHM, but this is the first time that the rink has featured a Christmas Tree in its centre. It looks pretty smart...

It was surprisingly mild today (except in the herbarium: the only way that the herbarium's microclimate could be considered mild is in comparison to Antarctic weather...), so the rink was a little bit wetter than usual, which made for rather fine reflections on its surface!

I didn't "remove ghosts": the rink is slightly haunted by ethereal blurry people. It was either that or spectacularly unattractive artefacts in the sky, so I stuck with the ghosts...

*Update* Re-tone-mapped on Cheeseminer's suggestion (well, and my mother's...); I'm still not totally satisfied with the sky, but it is definitely an improvement, and more like the sky in the -1 EV exposure. There is more contrast in the clouds here than in the original exposure, but I still don't want to switch in the original sky...
I'm definitely more happy with the image now though; thank you for the prompt, and for poking me into making an improvement Please continue to do so!

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