Blown Away

Another scorcher. Past midnight and still 33C, though been up to mid-40's. Mike bought a load more shade cloth and rigged up shade on the western side of the building - that wall was like a radiator at the end of yesterday. He slept the night on the picnic table outside, and me in a hammock. Didn't do much sleeping, though.

Saturday is our social day. Market (Maria looked exhausted, can't imagine having to work in the fields in this weather), coffee in a bar, fizzy water in the Clube Mouranense (twice), Eucharist, and dinner with the Padre. Lots of talking and listening.

This little goldfinch got blown out of its nest by the strong hot winds (from Africa, apparently). The woman who works at the Clube said she'd raise it, wonder if it'll survive... Here is a video of one singing, and what an adult looks like.

Our youngest has arrived safely in Fortaleza (NE Brazil) tonight, for which I am grateful, straight into a party - our friend, Mirilene's birthday. I will sleep easier, knowing that. And now, bed. Or rather, hammock. 

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