A Fool's Errand

Mr. W has very large feet.  They are often difficult to buy shoes for.  Mr. W has taken up playing squash, and needs a pair of "court shoes".  The gym Mr. W frequents does not have said shoes in his size available, but recommended that he drive out to Somerville to the enormous Assembly Row outlet shops and visit the Nike store there.  Off we went in the 94F heat, found a place to park, and commenced our search for squash-worthy shoes.  The Puma store didn't have any.  The Nike store didn't have any.  The Adidas store didn't have any.  In fact, each sales person we asked looked blank, as if we were speaking in a foreign tongue.  So, home we drove, shoeless.  This is a close up of a section of my beloved Zakim Bridge, forming multiple Xes, as if to pound home the fact that we had been barred from achieving our goal.  To rub salt in the wound, you will no doubt notice the CONVERSE sign behind all those Xes!

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