The Meeting...

Some folk like to photograph a certain thing like birds and flowers and stuff.
The Boss photographs “Stuff” and one of these days will get run over by a buss ( they have great new double decker ones here in Wellington) as he walks down very busy streets looking for stuff and often finds it.
Often the image title is in his mind before the deed is done but today he changed his mind to something a tad softer....
We had a great day which topped 16 c and he had his jersey off which startled all the folk in the Cafe at the top of the Gardens but they all stayed there.  The Bossess froze down south in low cloud.
Just as we were returning from the local supermarket about 5 pm the extra happened so I guess the Shepard’s will be pleased.
Oh and thanks for the wonderful welcome for Fingus....He was chuffed and has returned to his spot on the bookshelf to await further adventures.

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