
By memento


Pardon me...pardon this the queue to be in for being considered as movie of the day?

What the heck is a queue, buddy?

I'm talking about a queue such as one in which you stand while you wait to do something or purchase something?

Ya mean the line?

Oh no I think I would know a line if I sawr one. I'm looking for the queue.

Can ya spell that for us?

Certainly. It's Q-U-E-U-E. You know, Queue.

QUEUE? That spells kwewe. Never heard of such a thing. Hardy har har har!

Uncivilized creatures. I'm off to have my tea and scones. Baaa-baaa.


It would have been an ordinary day of errands and bits of work, but at midday a distress call came in from a four year old who claimed to miss me so much that she HAD to come over for an hour. I picked her up and as we were driving over here I thought to offer some options of what we could do to spend the time.

"So, what shall we do when we get to my house?"

"Oh, I don't know."

"We could make some things from cut paper and glue; some crafty things, or we could walk down to the playground and swing and climb, or we could bake some of those apple turnovers you like? What do you think?"

"Uhm, was...uhm, was the next thing you were going to say 'watch TV or a movie'?"

Of course it was, you monkey. Don't you know I know your little brain better than you know your little brain. Because I love you, I'll let you think that you masterfully negotiated coming over to watch a movie. Why not. You will always be cute but you won't be the cutest curly haired button for a lot longer. And because I love you, I can watch Kung Fu Panda for the 50th time and analyze every scene with you, even though I lobbied for Shaun the Sheep.

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