Charnock Richard

I had a meeting today with my colleague, Lou, and Dom. We’d agreed to meet up at Charnock Richard, which is only a few miles from the Minx’s house. However, for whatever reason, the non-motorway access to the services has been stopped, meaning that I now had to go up the M61, across on the M65, and then down the M6. What a palaver.

Consequently, I was a few minutes late but Dom and Lou were happily chatting away and when I arrived Dom showed my the Occulus. I have virtually zero experience of VR so I was quite taken aback by how far the technology has come on. 

One of the - what do you call them? Realities? - that Dom has loaded is the International Space Station, so I had a look ‘round that. It was quite incredible. I think I will have to get one as Dom says you can get tours of different countries and Abi would love that. (Plus, I want another look at the space station!)

After the meeting, I walked back across to the car to carry on down the M6 to the next junction so I could return to Chorley. I stopped to take this photo from the bridge; the view reminded me (distantly) of the cover to Kraftwerk’s ‘Autobahn’.

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‘A History Of Seven Killings’ by Marlon James

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