Different again

I popped back to count butterflies at the Pipe Hill Heathland tiny reserve - usually a haven for a variety of species.

The rosebay willow herb is neatly frazzled to extinction, the grass is bleached and dead and even the brambles and the blackberries look shot.

No sign of a Meadow Brown, nor a Gatekeeper. Not a Peacock nor a Red Admiral. All these usually put in an appearance. Not on either of my visits during the Big Butterfly Count.

Whites ? A few, but more Small Whites than Large Whites.

And I’ve said before that this is the best place to see the Common Blue. Indeed. Today there were 9 of them, fluttering around closely, but scarcely pausing.

I’ve never seen a Small Copper here before but today there were two, both rather faded, but I managed enough shots at different angles to be certain.

2018 is certainly an unusual summer......I wonder what will be the impact on our wildlife.....

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