Tussock Tales

By TussockTales


Another day of drivies as we headed down to Clyde to see some poorly sighted folk that repair blinds.
Yes I know that sounds a bit strange but blame the language OK? They have a couple of quite small (handbag size my friend Diana says) dogs (Maltese and other bits) who were very noisy but behaved nicely when we met (under controlled conditions) later. I was still in my seat belt Eh! The predicted bad weather was postponed and we picked up My Friend Peter who was messing about with bits of wood (get the stick!!!) but decided a drive to Clyde and photo opps was more interesting and his neck needed licking anyway. It did taste particularly nice I must say. Clyde is a lovely small town with some great history right out of the gold mining era. The Post Office Café is a favourite as they have a large garden area behind the café and seats that can have dogs tied to them. However The Boss and My Friend Peter had stuff to do so after a very cheap coffee (stirred and not shaken) we returned via quite a few Photo Opportunities and this was the winner for the day always taking into consideration that TLM had sorta requested Lupins. The Boss has suggested a dawn start tomorrow so I am going to look her up in the phone book later. Hope she makes nice breakfast muffins full of healthy and wholesome stuff like bacon and melted cheese or strawberries with cream. The Boss has suggested Crepes with marinated strawberries and yogurt but I don't believe he would dare with The Bossess playing away at the moment. He does fantasize a bit you know but his heart is in the right place as long as Mr Blip has reset it.

Smell the Lupins

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