Day Trip - Maastricht!

It was hot and I was drowsy, but after about a week of feeling lazy, I thought it was about time I did something to fight that feeling.  It's just not me to sit down and whine.  Keep busy and whine sounds a lot better, and the busier I get the less whining I do.  Finished week 2 of the new MOOC and then took a shower and got into the car in the afternoon, determined to make something of my day.  Destination -- Maastricht!

What's famous about Maastricht?  This is more than Googleable, but these days I like to think of Maastricht as the birthplace and favourite performance venue of ... André Rieu!  One day in the not so distant future, we will surely attend one of his concerts.  There was a series of them just last month, but, as you know, we were out of town.  Not that Nan would have appreciated it, although I would have gladly left her at our house while we went out.  Maastricht is only about 160 km. away from Breda, so very, very doable.  It wasn't as hot as the previous days but still uncomfortable, but it was a relief to explore on my own -- no one to hang on to, no one hanging onto me.  The town is larger than Breda but the city centre is just as cozy, with noticeably more expensive shops.

The shot is what is left of one of the city gates, built in 1229.  The extra is of the Town Hall.  I will definitely visit again!

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