Cover Girl

Raspberry had a modeling job today, straight from her morning from nap to set up, a 5 minute job well rewarded with cheese, her favorite.

The original tag that was tied on all the baskets/hampers was too small to read clearly, so I photographed it and enlarged it. I thought showcasing our flower sharing work would be great for our Hanover Club Garden Club 90th year program book cover.  

The following is text is taken from my 2014 slide presentation giving some background on the flower sharing our club was involved in for 28 years

~In New York City slum areas, Jacob Riis began reform efforts in the late 1800s. Riis started a program to bring flowers from the country into the lives of needy city children.

~In Boston, Helen W. Tinkham of the Benevolent Fraternity Fruit and Flower Mission began the same flower work in 1869.

~This undertaking ”gives good cheer to many.”

~1929~1957, The Hanover Garden Club joined the flower sharing movement 

~Members brought their garden flowers, fruit and vegetables to the house of Mrs. William Bates at Four Corners where they were packed in hampers and driven to the 6am train.

~ Once in Boston the hampers were distributed to the needy by various agencies. 

Those trains must have been filled with good cheer, color and fragrance. I think it's one of the nicest projects in our club history.

For the Record,
This day came in hot and humid with a weather and air quality advisory

All hands hoping for rain.

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