
By Mindseye

An evening stroll

Not a good nights sleep for us.......Emily was fine though ;-)

After breakfast it was showers and hairwashes, she didnt complain too much ;-)
Her hair is thick and long so takes an age to dry.......on e it was, we headed to the Trafford Centre for her birthday shopping.

It wasnt as busy as we though it might be, well not until we got into the food court for lunch !!! It was like a scene from the film Hook, you know the one, with the food fight! ;-) Our idea of hell, but Emily was happy ;-)

Grandad waited patiently outside, reading his paper, whilst we shopped for her birthday treats. Finally a quick call into M&S for a couple of things, before heading back to the car.

Home to chill for a while, before packing up all Emilys belongings into the car.

A detour drive to get to Emilys cheerleading class, but got there in good time. We went for an hours walk, whilst we waited, rather than come home and back again, as it was a lovely evening.

Todays blip is just a pretty rural scene we encountered as we wandered. No idea what the Victorian looking building is distance, perhaps a barn conversion.

After we dropped Emily back off at home, we had a quick wash and brush up at home, before heading out for some more grown ip company at the pub quiz ;-)

We just missed third place..... :-/

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