Carpe diem

By EveryDayMatters

A Less Grand Design

Our Project 4.3 weeks in

This is where we are up to now. 2 floors up, well the bricks are anyway. Roof beams for the kitchen now up. Floor joists for upstairs are built. We are waiting for a bespoke manufactured set of roof trusses to join to the existing house roof. More walls being knocked through/down tomorrow and we ......shock horror!!.....are going to be without a bathroom for 6 weeks or more :(

We are hoping the really cold weather does not start until mid December at least. We will just have to live like we did in our childhoods. No central heating, having a bath in the big square sink (but we were little), and all huddled around one single bar electric fire! Yes - we had it tough in those days, but it did us no harm. Kids are too soft these days !!

This might even be fun. Well - lets see what we think next week.....

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