
By CoffeePotter

Farm Shop View

When I put my specs on first thing, one of the arms fell off. These specs have a history. An optician in Warwickshire supplied them free of charge, as the assistant accidentally broke the arm of a pair (that I had mentioned were a bit loose), when she tried to tighten them. The ones she broke were not bought from there, and were quite expensive, however it was an accident and she couldn't help it. 
Anyway, roll on 15 months and the arm fell off the replacement specs. I took them into a local branch and related the story. They telephoned the original branch who confirmed my story and said it was May 2017. The optician then decided to replace them with a brand new pair! I was quite amazed.
"And what happened to the expensive pair?" I hear you ask. Well, the assistant who broke them, mended them with super-glue, and they're still hanging together (although I don't wear them very often in case they fall apart!).
I took this photo of the misty hills by the sea, from the car park of a farm shop when we drove back home. There's a strange "notch" in the base of the cloud, just above the sea - I don't know what caused that. 

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