Scent Marie Antoinette

Bought this in Paris -- a room air freshener -- at the Concierges, the keep where Marie Antoinette was held prisoner for three years.  What a miserable time it must have been, with crowded, dark, dirty, smelly cells, very little food, and in some cases almost no contact permitted with the outside world.  I must read more on that.  She had means so perhaps she was allowed more comfortable quarters?  Curious now.  Anyway, this scent is a far cry from her imprisonment.  AW likes it a lot.

The MOOC is almost done.  Week 4 on Day 4 ... not bad.  In between, some new info from the genealogical bureau arrived and I worked on it.  My request list wasn't as long as I usually make them, and that was done on purpose so I don't get tired processing the info.  Besides this, some naptime.  There was a thunderstorm that lasted quite a while last night, so thankfully much cooler today, more conducive for the desk hobbies and study.

What's not so great -- AW twisted his back late in the afternoon while working on the fence.  Hmmm ... these things happen.

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