Rugby in the Park

We've had a packed day.

Breakfast with our visitors.

Rugby - it's usually in the school hall, but since school term hasn't started yet it was in the park today.  CyclopsJnr was pretty excited about this.

Lunch with Cyclops's brother at Wagamamma.

LONG nap.

Trip to see Cyclops' friends R and A with their new (3 month old) baby.  CyclopsJnr played with a full sized rugby ball with R in the garden then picked rasperries which we had with scones.  Yummy.

Then it was off to the 77's for a sleepover since MrsCyclops is away until tomorrow and Cyclops has an early flight to catch.  CyclopsJnr was pretty excited about the sleepover, and appeared to be having great fun.  He was just settling to sleep when Cyclops left - we'll find out how it went tomorrow!

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