
By TusCat

Another adventure begins...

This is going to be a long write up! You might need a cup of tea! :-)

Yesterday, after leaving LPH, I took the train to London where I met a couple of friends who had just arrived from Italy to spend a week here with me! I’m sure those who follow my journal will remember them, the renowned R. and S. If you need to brush up your memory, go back to the 24th and 25th of June (if I remember well). You know what’s going to happen, don’t you?

We boarded a train to Gloucester which will be our “home” for this week. We arrived safe and sound at our Airbnb flat and loved it. It was quite late and went straight to bed, so no time for S. to mess up with anything.

This morning, we took a train to Bristol to meet up with friend/blipmate CakeMartyr who kindly offered to be our guide for the day! it was lovely to see him again and to visit a new city in the U.K.! Thanks a lot CakeMartyr! It’s been a lovely day! :-)

Back to S..... So, he wanted to experiment with his English, as he’s been studying very hard for this trip, so he offered to buy the train tickets. We went over what to say about four to five times. Simple: can I have three return tickets to Bristol, please? “S., don’t forget the please! It is the most important part of the whole question!” - “TusCat! Have I EVER forgotten something? Have I EVER made a mistake?”.
I was very tense.... he approached the queue.... he was nearly there.... he was in front of the man.... he said..... Three (showing three fingers in front of the man’s face) ticket Bristol return...... Oh no! :-( He’s forgotten the please, the plural and he’s completely jumbled all the other words. :’-(

On the train to Bristol, we were sitting next to a family with a five year old girl who played with her “Lady” soft toy and us all the time! She was so cute!

We had a bit of an adventure on the way back, as our train was cancelled and we:
Went to catch alternative train
Learnt we couldn’t board that train because our ticket wasn’t allowed
Learnt there was a bus service which would take us back to Gloucester
The bus didn’t turn up and so we were told we would go back by taxi
In the end we were put on a train where our ticket wasn’t allowed.

Back to Gloucester, I said I needed a map to go back to the Airbnb and S. said : don’t worry, I remember where the flat is, follow me!
I’m sure you all know what R. and I shouted at the same time...... NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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